Patch FUTURE Green
Patch FUTURE Green

Patch FUTURE Green

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Brings lots of MANTI MANTI into your life: the patch with our favorite motto!

We see a great future, not just for you, but also for this patch on your favorite denim jacket. Simply iron it on or, if that's not possible, sew it on and then everyone will know: you're looking forward to the best future in the world - yours!

About 6cm high and 6cm wide.

Woven patch, super versatile.

Patch FUTURE Green

Brings lots of MANTI MANTI into your life: the patch with our favorite motto!

We see a great future, not just for you, but also for this patch on your favorite denim jacket. Simply iron it on or, if that's not possible, sew it on and then everyone will know: you're looking forward to the best future in the world - yours!

About 6cm high and 6cm wide.