When your head is pounding: Manni knows what you can do to combat headaches while reading
There are just a few things you need to read: a really exciting book, for example, a comfortable place and a bit of peace and quiet. You have everything? Great!
But there are also things that you just can't use. Headaches are one of them. And annoying homework, but unfortunately there's nothing we can do about that.
Wait, did you just say headache?
You know the feeling: The letters in the book are tangled, your head is pounding and you just can't concentrate? Manni the friendly Mantis Shrimp knows this too and has found out what can help you:

1. Take a break
Yes, it's really exciting, we know. But put the book aside and look out the window again or go for a short walk. Then you'll even get some free fresh air. Variety in what you're looking at is like lemon cake for your eyes. Mmm, delicious... lemon cake! But don't cheat and look at your phone or the TV during your break - unfortunately that doesn't help at all.
2. Turn on the light
Maybe you just need a little more light? Try this. If it's still light outside, open the curtains or sit by the window. In the evening, just turn on a lamp. But not too much light, otherwise people will notice that you're still reading even though you should have been asleep...
3. Try wellness
Manni finds a cold washcloth on his eyes helpful. He simply lies down and relaxes. If that's too boring for you, you can put on some music or just listen to an audio book - it's almost like a book. If you have some peppermint oil at home, you can massage a few drops of it onto your forehead or temple. It helps you relax and smells like chewing gum.
4. Go to the ophthalmologist
Have you tried everything and the headaches keep coming back? Then maybe you need glasses that relax your eyes. Go to the eye doctor! In the practice, they can check whether your eyes need some support when reading. It's really quick and definitely doesn't hurt. Luckily, there are now really cool glasses. Ask the Mantis!
You may not want to hear this, but glasses make learning at school much more enjoyable. But of course not as enjoyable as detective stories. And lemon cake. Mmmm, delicious... lemon cake!